Products of RedGPS
Dashcam comparison for video telematics

Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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Sales force

Track and digitize sales force operations

Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control

Program and manage all fleet maintenance and generate budgets without the need for additional personnel

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GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide

Discover the top 20 solutions and tools for tracking, security, and end customers

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Use case: Optimizing operations in mining

Discover how a virtual copilot in MDT terminals meets safety regulations and optimizes operations

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Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth

How efficient cold chain control drastically reduces losses and damages to goods?

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Benefits of a Tracking App for your clients

One of the most critical activities in logistics management is asset control...

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Manage all aspects of your business

Partners is the platform for RedGPS clients and distributors from which they can manage all...

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A solution for free of asset routing able to trace and track routes without the necessity of previous programming.  

Request a demo!

We Simplify the Routing

OnRoad is the Twin Sister Solution of OnRouting, our platform for planning the routes of the assets. However there is one key difference between them; with OnRoad it is not necessary to define or program the routes beforehand. It is an alternative contemplated and designed to adapt to situations where for any reason your customer cannot plan a specific route order. 

It is ideal for merchandise transport companies that do deliveries and pick-ups for regular customers; or for fleets that render services and need the platform to automatically identify the stops being made in line with the authorized locations or geofences.


Route Follow-up without previous programming


Route Tracing according to points already visited


Tools for the managing and supervising of the route

It is part of the white label IoT ecosystem solutions of RedGPS perfectly integrated with all of the platform tools, ready to be implemented in projects of all scales.

Free Routing and Programming

OnRoad is the answer to those situations where a route CANNOT be planned or defined beforehand; that is to say when it is impossible to program arrival points with a specific schedule or order, or when the routes or the vehicle can be changed.

The operators only have to add all the localities that the unit must visit, select the vehicle, and VOILA! The platform will record each point where the driver has passed.


Dynamic Route Setup  

This solution doesn't work with addresses but with localities or geofences, reporting arrival thresholds and the time the vehicle was detained in each point.

The run begins when the unit leaves the initial base, thereafter all the points visited are recorded. While the driver advances on the most convenient route, this is dynamically set up on the platform until he reaches home base at the end of the day.


A Flexible Solution

With OnRoad the driver is Not obliged to follow a static route since the objective is not the control of the route, but rather the deliveries or services rendered.  

Moreover, since this solution doesn't require so much of the operators' time, setting up the routes day by day isn't a problem. 


With the Effectiveness and Efficiency of already proven tools 

OnRoad shares the highly valued tools that made OnRouting such a solid and demanded solution. Within a free route, operators can configure the automatic forwarding of commands to the GPS device when the asset passes by a point on the route.

Moreover, this free routing solution is also compatible with photo verification or photo evidence which enable the operators to send a command to shoot images when the asset passes any of the points on the route.

Routes Underway and Reports 

With OnRoad the operator can also consult the routes underway, know which points have been passed, and identify, in color on a map, the stops reached depending on the time taken in each one. 

And of course, obtain the final route and its corresponding report with the arrivals at each locality, delays,status, events, stops, and also the order the driver followed.


The Power of an entire ecosystem 

OnRoad enriches our offer of solutions for routing, and benefits from all the tools of our IoT ecosystem, such as our apps for fleet management, asset tracking, platforms to grade the behavior of the drivers, fuel control, answering forms from mobile phones and more. 
For these reasons RedGPS has the most solid solution offer for routing.

Make Your Company Grow

We invite you to request a free demo and test this and other solutions with which we would like to boost your company to the next level, and help you to loyalize your customers.  

Don't miss this opportunity; remember that with RedGPS your company grows more.