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GPS Tracking Focused on Security:
Guide 2023

By @Fernando Perez Maier, CRO and Co-Founder at RedGPS

For some time now, I have wanted to write an update related to the field of security and GPS tracking. Over the past few years, RedGPS has invested a lot of effort and energy in measuring fleet productivity, creating logistics solutions, routing solutions, and other niche solutions that have greatly benefited our customers. I refer to these advancements as Fleet Management or the Internet of Things (IoT) for vehicles. I have written more about this in From AVL to the Internet of Vehicles: How GPS Tracking Evolved into IoT, an article in which I describe how this industry has evolved. 

But also, for more than ten years, we have been developing a wide range of security-related tools that make a difference. However, we often don't promote them as much because the global industry doesn't emphasize them as much as we do in Latin America. In our region, GPS tracking holds more significance in the security industry than in productivity or logistics, though this trend is gradually changing.

This time, I want to address business owners in the security industry or GPS tracking entrepreneurs who focus on security topics. I want to share some solutions we have created, as well as best practices and recommendations that you might be able to implement. I also want to evangelize our clients about these crucial solutions.

At RedGPS, we are fortunate to be chosen as a provider by security companies and GPS tracking businesses every day. They provide us with valuable feedback and collaborate in defining our solutions. This is the primary driver of our motivation to create and develop security solutions.

In this article, I will reveal many useful and interesting tools for end customers as well as integrators, which will undoubtedly help you prevent and address issues such as theft of goods, valuable items, security for individuals, and many other important security applications. You can implement these tools if you are already a RedGPS customer or use them as ideas if you have your platform.


Solutions and Tools for Security

1. Monitoring Center

If you are a security entrepreneur, you are probably familiar with a monitoring center. Perhaps you have 24/7 operators or contract a third-party monitoring service. Regardless of your situation, you likely have software that allows you to centralize events. In many cases, security and alarm monitoring companies have specialized software for this purpose. However, when they start offering GPS tracking services, they may not take the time to evaluate whether the software or platform they are using has a robust module for receiving GPS tracking alerts, conducting thorough tracking, receiving centralized alerts, and defining predefined procedures for each situation that may arise. Having a platform without these features can exclude you from various high-volume opportunities if your business is based in Latin America.

Rastreo-y-Seguridad---Centro-de-monitoreoAt RedGPS, we have developed a monitoring center that allows you to monitor everything, from traditional assets like vehicles, trucks, valuable goods, and anything you want to install a GPS tracker on. This includes people at risk or in vulnerable situations, enabling you to react promptly by automating response protocols. Our solution is called OnAlert, and an important feature is that it not only serves your company but can also be assigned to a client. For example, if you sell GPS tracking services to a security or monitoring company, you can also offer this module. This solution is also applicable if you have a wholesale monitoring service.


2. Video Wall

Accompanying OnAlert is OnWall, another platform designed for asset tracking. This platform allows you to track multiple assets on one or more screens, providing the best way to stay informed about your targets. It helps you focus on alarms and events related to selected assets. Using the tracking platform, you can set up a video wall with multiple monitors or screens to view assets in real-time.

Rastreo-y-Seguridad---OnWallThis platform addresses a specific need where an operator actively monitors a certain number of critical vehicles to take immediate action if the assets deviate from the client's established protocols. Many of our clients have won significant security-related contracts thanks to this solution. The cash-in-transit transport industry is a notable example where this solution is often requested.


3. Security Guards and Patrols

The best solution for private security companies or law enforcement agencies is OnPatrol. It is a platform designed to allow security companies to manage and measure security guard patrols through an app. You can schedule and view the status of all patrols, ensuring that guards or police officers are following their routes in a timely manner. You can monitor patrols in real-time, with all actors in the process linked to the monitoring center. The solution is based on scanning QR codes using the app.

Rastreo-y-Seguridad---Guardias-y-rondinesThe good thing is that this platform is not just for security companies; if you provide GPS tracking services, you can assign the complete module to a client with security guards or security vehicles, offering them a service designed for vehicles, guards, goods, and the entire RedGPS ecosystem.


4. RedGPS AppTracker

Tracking mobile phones through an app is another security solution that is currently gaining popularity and continually growing. Our AppTracker offers three valuable security-related functions:

  1. Allows you to track the real-time location of a smartphone.
  2. Features a panic button that calls the Monitoring Center or a designated number.
  3. Enables the use of the smartphone's camera for video streaming as if it were a mobile DVR.
  4. Allows you to control security patrols, check inspection points, and send reports signed with photographic or video evidence.
  5. Enables you to receive and respond to forms that can be used to create reports or inspections for various situations.

Moreover, these functions are used for issues related to gender-based violence, tracking individuals in the field or in vulnerable situations, decoy operations for merchandise, and other scenarios. There are various niches where an AppTracker is incredibly useful. You can learn more about it by clicking here.

AppTracker 4.4 - Caracteristicas

Well, I've told you about the platforms we've developed for security-related topics. I may have forgotten to mention others, such as the fuel control module, which is used to detect and prevent fuel theft. While it can be considered a security-related tool, I believe it's a business with a different focus, so I'll save that for another article. However, now I'll reveal some smaller tools that are often the most important because they assist both integrators and customers.


5. Request Location via SMS from the Platform.

This tool has been around for several years, and at one point, it was a hit - all the customers used it! It is still relevant today, and before explaining how it works, let me explain when it is used.

All of us in this industry recognize and deal with areas where there is no GSM coverage. About 10 years ago, apart from limited coverage, there used to be situations where cell towers were congested, and trackers connected to the towers, but the towers might not deliver any data - not 2G, not 3G, nothing... zero G! :)

However, when an integrator requested location by sending an SMS command using a cellphone, the device was connected to the network and would provide its location. So, it was possible to know the location via SMS when GPRS wasn't working. So, what did we do, knowing this scenario was possible?

First, we developed an app called SMS Gateway, which allows SMS messages sent from the platform to go through a smartphone with this app installed, dedicated to this purpose, which significantly reduces SMS sending costs and, in some countries, is even free for our customers. I'll tell you more about it at the end of this article.


With this tool, combined with the "Request Location via SMS" function, any platform operator can request location via SMS, and the platform updates the position automatically if a device stops reporting. This "Request Location via SMS" tool is invaluable for security and for troubleshooting when a device stops reporting. Being able to confirm that a device is still connected and having its location updated via SMS on the platform is crucial in this industry.

These problems are still prevalent in almost all Latin American countries today.


6. CellID Location, also known as Location-Based Services

With the tool I mentioned earlier, "Request Location via SMS," we somehow address the problem of a GPS device having no data but a working SMS connection. Now, with this tool, we address the scenario where there's no GPS signal. This can happen due to sabotage, interference, jamming, or simply when the asset is indoors and can't receive GPS satellite signals.

Unfortunately, this option is not available for all trackers, but many support this feature. I won't delve into the specifics of LBS or CellID here, but to summarize, it's when GPS sends data from the nearest cell towers it detects, and with this information, our platform can triangulate the location and update it automatically on the map.


The accuracy of this tool varies significantly depending on the area and how many towers can be used for triangulation. But it's a Plan B in case GPS coverage is not available, and often it helps determine the area in which an asset is located. In moments of theft or signal loss, having this tool and having it correctly configured can be crucial.


7. GPS Trackers That Don't Report

If you're a seasoned sailor and have been battling for years like us, you know that GPS devices can stop transmitting for various reasons. I won't go into details about the reasons, but we know that you need to ensure telemetry for a critical load or asset, and it turns out that the device stops reporting. You can find a guide on what steps to take if a GPS device stops reporting, which you can use as a checklist to identify the problem's origin and solve it by clicking on this link.

To address this issue, RedGPS has a tool we call "IMEI Forwarding," which allows you to assign an additional GPS tracker to the asset. If a GPS device gets "stuck" or, in other words, stops reporting, and there's a secondary GPS unit installed, or the asset's escort has another tracking device, or a decoy unit, or the driver's app - in any of these cases, we can retransmit the information from the secondary GPS to the primary GPS until we get the primary device to start reporting again.

This data forwarding can be incredibly helpful in situations where you need to guarantee real-time tracking of a critical asset, and the goal is to ensure that the client doesn't notice the problem. This proactive approach resolves the issue, provides a quality service, and keeps the client satisfied.


8. Tool Against Signal Jammers (Jamming)

I say "tool" because, unfortunately, I can't say "solution." While I have some workarounds for this issue, I don't believe any of them are true solutions, but they can be helpful.

Combating "road pirates" (as we call merchandise thieves in transit in Argentina) is challenging in our industry; they often use signal jammers to interfere with signals. Many of our expert security clients use various strategies, particularly related to installation, which I can't reveal publicly.

At the platform level, there's not much we can do if we have a jammer that prevents tracker data from reaching us. However, I can tell you about an alternative used in RedGPS that involves the Sigfox signal, which is less likely to be jammed. So, it's possible to use a second unit or a dual-unit that transmits via both GSM and Sigfox. This solution is not foolproof, and the coverage is not extensive, but it's a strategy I see being used more and more every day.

You can check the coverage at the time of publishing this article in the image below:

Rastreo-y-Seguridad---Cobertura-sigfox-1Check coverage on Sigfox's website

Now that I've talked about devices with inhibited signals, I'm thinking of continuing to answer this question: What happens when there's no GSM signal, in other words, no cellular network coverage?

The cellular network has always been a limiting factor in the GPS tracking service, and no country has complete network coverage. This is something we are accustomed to. However, a solution that has existed for years is to use dual-mode devices, which allow transmitting via GSM and also via satellite in case there's no GSM signal. For this, you need to use devices that can transmit via satellite, such as Globalstar, Orbcomm, or Iridium. This aspect hasn't seen many changes in recent years.

There are other networks being deployed called LPWAN, which will also help with this issue. We have developed an ebook on this topic, which you can get by following this link.


9. GPS Tracker Operation Certificates

At RedGPS, we've designed a tool that allows your end customers to conduct an online inspection from the platform, which automatically generates a certificate that can be downloaded and printed to verify that a GPS tracker is functioning correctly. This enables your customer to validate and certify that the GPS is working correctly along with all its sensors before dispatching a truck.

Some may see this tool as a double-edged sword, but if you provide a stable service, you can guarantee it without any issues and sell it as a unique feature. You can also have a backup second unit for any unforeseen events or sabotage.

Rastreo y Seguridad - Certificados rastreadores


10. Platform Security

There are several elements that help reduce security risks. In my experience, I've seen many hauliers improve service quality by being present during installations, auditing their technicians, training their operators, and using quality GPS devices. However, they often overlook or are unaware of certain essential aspects related to software or the platform.

The primary factor in a secure platform is stability. A reputable provider should offer you an SLA through a contract, where they guarantee stability or face penalties if they don't. It's not professional for a customer to have a critical event and not be able to access the platform. This can lead to significant losses for the customer, as well as create mistrust and damage your service and company's credibility. These recommendations apply to any cloud-based platform, especially when it's related to the security industry.


For years, there has been a significant global trend toward ensuring the proper storage of sensitive data, whether personal or belonging to private companies. This trend has led us to develop an app that allows the vehicle driver to activate or deactivate their vehicle's GPS only during work-related tasks. Once their workday ends, they can turn off the GPS.

Currently, some of our clients in the European Union and Latin America are using a beta version of this app before its imminent launch.

You might find it hard to believe this app, and we do too. However, we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter for more updates on it soon.


11. SSL Security Certificate

If your platform's access doesn't use HTTPS, any web browser, be it Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or any other, will notify your customer that they are browsing an insecure site. In other words, you're selling security, but your platform is "not secure." This is something you may need to address, right?

In addition to the image your security business projects, the reality is that without a security certificate, you're allowing access credentials, such as usernames and passwords, of your clients to travel without any encryption. This significantly increases the chances that, for example, your clients could connect from an unknown Wi-Fi network, and someone could access their information, among other things.


At RedGPS, we don't allow clients without SSL certificates. We either allow the client to provide one or deliver one ourselves to ensure the overall platform is not exposed due to the neglect of any client.


12. Two-Factor Authentication and Session Management

Today, cloud platforms are increasingly used in the security industry. Providing a serious service to corporate enterprises is a challenge if you don't have protections that match the current times. In general, many companies have concerns when it comes to security, and three issues in particular make them wary of cloud platforms:

  • Stability or uptime, which I mentioned earlier.
  • Platform and infrastructure security, including the data center.
  • Preventing unauthorized access to data.

Multinational companies involved in security or government businesses are usually very cautious about these matters. I've had to support clients on several occasions or demonstrate how we handle these issues at RedGPS to build trust and gain approval from integrators to provide the service.

One of the tools I have up my sleeve in these meetings is Two-Factor Authentication, and I usually seal the deal when we start discussing session management. Here's a brief summary of these tools:


Two-Factor Authentication: This tool ensures that only authorized individuals can access the platform. If the platform detects a login from a new device, it sends a push notification to a company's security administrator. The administrator can then validate the user's identity and the reason for accessing the platform from a new device.

Session Management: The customer has the power to see in real-time all authorized devices and log out sessions in case of operator disassociation.

This set of tools mainly addresses a very common scenario: an operator being able to log in from their home or any other unauthorized device while not at their workplace or monitoring center.


13. Technical Support

In summary, having an ally's support to reproduce an error is very valuable in this industry. If you don't trust your service and understand your platform's logic, you won't have the required confidence at the time of sale. Real technical support provided by humans and in your language is crucial, and at RedGPS, we are proud to know that it's one of our main differentiators and one of the greatest value-added contributions our clients identify in us.



14. History

Flexible data history stored in the platform is another necessity for security reasons, as customers often request old reports when they have doubts or issues to investigate. At RedGPS, we provide storage for one year, extendable according to the integrator's preference, along with a backup module that allows each integrator to download the information for lifelong storage without any extra cost at RedGPS.


15. Asset Distance Alert

This alert is one of my favorites. An alert with special applications for security, ideal for convoys such as those operated by companies transporting valuables, custody services, prisoner transfers, and law enforcement; bodyguards, escort vehicles, and all logistics when a public figure needs to travel through a city, and more.


This alert is triggered when the distance between a primary asset and one or more secondary assets increases or decreases, meaning when two assets move apart or closer beyond the predetermined distance limit.


16. Audit Module

In the security industry, auditing in-house personnel is one of the factors we must focus on, but many times, we are more focused on monitoring third parties and don't take the step of controlling the operators we have hired. This module allows us to know every change or modification made in the platform, aiming to identify and reproduce any action in case of doubt, like if an operator deactivates an alert or makes any changes.


It's not always with malicious intent, but understanding what happened and why it happened provides peace of mind for all those involved in this chain. 


17. Cartography

Having premium cartography is essential for update reasons, performance, and also, for example, in the case of Google Maps, which offers a tool called Street View, adds added value. This function is very helpful when fuel theft or jamming-type events are detected: being able to see the actual location and check for nearby gas stations, fuel tankers, abandoned buildings, or places that can serve as shelters or storage provides certainty to security teams and offers vital information to act upon.

Additionally, it's cartography that everyone is familiar with, so users will feel confident and comfortable while using it. Having Google Maps is a great value-added feature to offer to your customers.


18. Reverse Geocoding and Milepoint.

In many platforms, the location of an asset is usually associated with an address like "street, street number, city, province, country." Generally, most low-end platforms or even some well-known ones don't provide good geocoding or use free services like Open Street Map or similar, which, in my opinion, don't match up in many countries in terms of having precise and suitable information. To save costs, it helps to "make do" in certain situations, but in terms of security, Google Maps or Bing provide some of the best geocoding we've tried and what we deliver at RedGPS.

On another note, I'm thrilled to share this because it's a point of pride that RedGPS is the only platform in the world to have it. I believe it's fundamental and cannot be bought on the internet today, and there's no API that provides it: geocoding on the roads, indicating the exact kilometer of an asset's location.


Imagine a panic button event on a road; possibly in any platform, the event may show the route name, province, and country, but the alert doesn't indicate the kilometer! Well, this doesn't happen in RedGPS because we've invested thousands of dollars in creating this information ourselves, working country by country, route by route, and kilometer by kilometer, providing the exact location of the asset every 100 meters.

Today, customers from Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil can already know the exact point where their assets are on the main roads of each country, and we continue to work continuously to add more countries and regions.


19. ADAS / DMS

One of the latest points I can share about security and what has been growing in the last 2 years is projects that require ADAS and DMS technologies: in short, one is a system that identifies events that can represent potential risks like involuntary lane change, possible collision, and detection of pedestrians and cyclists, among others; and the other is a camera that detects bad driving habits or behaviors by the driver, like smoking, distractions, fatigue, and more. You can learn more about these technologies at the following link.

These are very interesting and innovative technologies that we have integrated to work with our driver behavior module, OnDriving.


These projects are emerging in socially responsible companies that want to reduce accidents for both the public and the drivers. In some countries, there are laws that require certain industries to have these technologies, such as energy/mining.

Personally, I recommend staying aligned with these issues. I know there are big projects coming in this direction. On the other hand, I also know that unfortunately, many fleets prefer not to have these aids so that there is no record of how they demand their drivers to behave. I hope this changes soon in the industry, just as it did with traditional AVL.


20. RedGPS SMS Gateway

This is an incredibly useful and free tool for all our customers. The SMS Gateway is a RedGPS application for Android smartphones that allows sending and receiving text messages (SMS), meaning commands and alerts, to devices from the platform without having to do it manually from the phone or another separate application.

GPS devices receive commands either by SMS or GPRS. In security situations, commands can be sent through the monitoring center to make the device report more frequently, for example, every 4 seconds instead of 1 minute, or to lock doors or cut off the engine. The SMS Gateway app eliminates the dependence on third-party websites or services that charge for sending SMS (which few platforms offer) by giving our customers the ability to have their SMS gateway in one app.

If the GPS device is connected to the platform via WiFi, it will send the commands through GPRS; if, for some reason, the command sending is not confirmed, it can be sent via SMS. The app communicates with the platform to send the command through the SIM CARD.


There are platforms that charge for each sent SMS or limit the number of messages. Our app is free, and since in some countries SMS is free, and in others, they are very affordable, the SMS Gateway is a useful tool for migrations, sending commands in general, and other security situations, as mentioned earlier, such as requesting location via SMS, among others.


In this article, I've focused on telling you about some platforms and several tools or best practices used in tracking companies and security companies to offer quality services, always related to security projects in the telematics of assets field.

If you're a RedGPS customer, you surely use some of these, and you might realize that I forgot to mention others, but it doesn't hurt to remind you that they exist. If you're not a customer and you're in the security industry, start following us to stay informed or contact us for more information.



Fernando - Firma Notas