Products of RedGPS
Dashcam comparison for video telematics

Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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Sales force

Track and digitize sales force operations

Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control

Program and manage all fleet maintenance and generate budgets without the need for additional personnel

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GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide

Discover the top 20 solutions and tools for tracking, security, and end customers

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Use case: Optimizing operations in mining

Discover how a virtual copilot in MDT terminals meets safety regulations and optimizes operations

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Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth

How efficient cold chain control drastically reduces losses and damages to goods?

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Benefits of a Tracking App for your clients

One of the most critical activities in logistics management is asset control...

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Manage all aspects of your business

Partners is the platform for RedGPS clients and distributors from which they can manage all...

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Administrate the RedGPS ecosystem, and manage your business. Carry out the operative tasks of your company with all the tools that the operators need in their day to day activities.

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Administrate all the aspects of your business

Partners is the platform for RedGPS' customers and distributors from which they can manage everything related to their business. It is a powerful administrative tool with all the elements necessary for your business to grow and render the best service to your customers.   

Mesa de trabajo 15-100

Analysis Tools

Mesa de trabajo 14-100

System of Tickets for your customers

Mesa de trabajo 16-100

Access with double authentication

Mesa de trabajo 13-100-2

Push Notifications to customers

Mesa de trabajo 17-100

Customizable with Java and CSS

We designed the dashboard in such a way that it gives you a rapid summary with statistics of the key information of your business with direct access to the report of each one.Through the boxes on only one screen, you can know how many SIM cards, customer licenses, assets and equipment you have registered on your platform.  


Manage your Customers easily 

In Partners you have a module where you can manage all the elements associated with your customers in only one place (users, assets, equipment, SIM cards, places, geofences, drivers, routes, and alerts) organized in three panels: Customers, Customers' Elements, and Users' Elements. 


Actions with only a few clics 

We wanted to simplify the administration of your business so that you would have the time to make it grow. For this reason in the same module and with only a few clics you can edit, browse, incorporate or eliminate customers and users as well as assets, equipment, permits, etc. in a simple and intuitive manner in only a few minutes.

Dashboard with Graphics and statistics 

When you or your operators enter into Partners, you have graphics and statistics regarding the equipment that reports the most incidents, the emails sent by category, and the record of the most recent events and tickets generated by customers. 

These monitoring panels keep you abreast of the behavior of the devices and assist the operators in detecting errors and incidents.  


Administration of Permits 

From Partners you can arrange all the permits of your customers and users controlling which platforms and functions each one has access to, and assign modules from the parameters.

Thus, you can create all the specific profiles for each user in line with the work of each one. 

System of Tickets 

Your customers can create tickets to request support or report any doubt or problem they may have with any asset, module, or tool. They also have a record of tickets with their classification, type, and solution status. 

The ticket system allows you to loyalize your customers because it gives them the backing and certainty that they will always have the assistance they need.


RedGPS Assistant 

The RedGPS Assistant helps your operators to identify anomalies and bad practices in the programming of GPS devices, alerts, reports, the sending of SMS and the use of API with the objective of preventing or correcting functioning errors or any other type of incident. 

It is a great tool because it allows you to avoid problems which could become customer claims in the future.


Sensors and Accessories 

Partners has tools to configure and work with any type of GPS/IoT sensor and accessory. 

Your operators have assignment templates for Inputs (for sensors and accessories), calibration tables for fuel sensors, odometer settings, frame analyzer to view the data frames sent by the GPS devices, and have the raw data that a device may send.

A Secure Platform 

In RedGPS you have tools to manage the security of your platforms. Partners has access through double authentication in such a way that it is possible to administrate the initiation of your customer's and your users' session, recording and monitoring the devices from which they enter, and assuring that only authorized personnel have access.  

Your operators also have an auditing module to verify the actions taken as well as the elements modified by the users which could affect the use of, or put at risk the information from OnTracking or from Partners itself. For example: elimination of alerts, geofences, or users; viewing actions with specific data like the date, time, user, browser, etc.


Consumption Monitoring 

Your operators have modules and tools for monitoring consumption, and for identifying where there may be extra expenses. 

These tools enable you to know the behavior of each GPS device in order to detect superfluous consumption, equipment with excessive data, records and graphics of video streaming consumption with its storage cost and more. 


Information Backup  

In Partners your operators can also backup information and download the complete unprocessed history data that the assets of your customers generate in order to have it in an external medium. With this function you will be able to guarantee them greater security and availability of their information.

Procedures and Commands 

One of the fundamental tasks of a tracking company is to have the possibility of creating and sending GPRS/SMS customized commands and procedures in line with each situation which may arise. These tools are extremely useful for the operators and supervisors working in industries such as security, transportation of merchandise and valuables among others, where proceeding adequately is vital in order to avoid risks.


API and Web Services 

You can use our API to integrate the services of RedGPS with your own developments and enjoy significant savings in time and money, or even create developments or customizations in line with the necessities of each customer or project. 

You also have web services at your disposal in order to communicate with other systems and platforms in different countries, and repeaters for data forwarding. If we do not have the service that you need, you can request its development. 

Hereinafter, we share only some of web services we have available. 


Better Tools Generate Better Business  

Partners is the platform that makes your business solid. Contact us by filling out the following form, or get your free trial and discover all the tools that you have at your disposal.  

REMEMBER! At RedGPS We Drive Your Business.