Products of RedGPS
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Fuel Control

Controls the complete fuel traceability with tools designed to manage consumption per route, detect illegal cargoes and adulterated fuel, and avoid any form of theft. 


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Total Fuel Control  

One of the most robust and consolidated solutions on the market for controlling, obtaining, and analyzing the complete traceability concerning the fuel consumed by the vehicles during their runs, as well as the detection and prevention of fuel theft. It is part of the RedGPS White Label Ecosystem, totally prepared for implementation in projects of any size with the latest technology.


All the data related to fuel behavior and consumption


Detection and Prevention of fuel theft


Totally compatible with all sensors

Total Traceability  

One of the issues that most concerns the fleets is measuring the fuel consumption of the units; how to calculate the real per liter performance be it by means of software or by sensors installed in the fuel tanks. 

The panel of the fuel control module shows the complete fuel traceability on a map with the data corresponding to the consumption and events that were detected either by the sensors or the platform including behavior graphics along the entire route.


Cost Reduction 

Fuel expenses can constitute up to 50% of the total expenses of a transport company. For this reason it is a perfect solution for all fleet companies trying to reduce costs and increase profit from their units. 

In addition to controlling consumption, and according to the capacity of the hardware, it also informs about the fuel consumed while idling, that is when the unit is stopped.  


Fuel Tank Filling and Draining Control 

One of the aspects most appreciated by the companies is the precise control it can have over each one of the fuel fillings and drainings by detecting when manipulated fillings and milkings, or illegal drainings are carried out. 

Your customers can consult where these events occurred, the volume of fuel drained, and set up alerts or procedures to detect any irregular behavior at the moment it takes place.

Anti-Theft Algorithms 

Fuel theft represents one of the highest losses for the companies. This is the reason why we use our own algorithms specifically designed to detect any irregular or illegal activity inside the fuel tank.  

The algorithms were tested under real conditions after having contemplated all types and variations of robbery in order to ensure the reliability of the results. 

The Power of Ecosystem Integration  
Our fuel control module is a consolidated and powerful solution thanks to the ecosystem approach with which it was designed that integrates it perfectly with other solutions. For example, with OnRouting your customers can plan and program their daily routes while they register the fuel consumption during the runs.   
OnDriving will also help your customers to end excessive fuel comsumption due to bad driving habits, or with video verification start the recording and streaming of the video when a filling or illegal draining is detected, and know immediately where the events are occurring.
This approach of the ecosystem makes OnFuel a suite of solutions for fuel control.

Compatibility with Sensors 

It is compatible with bar sensors, Bluetooth, wired sensors and in general with all types of fuel sensors. Even though a large number of GPS sensors and devices to obtain data have already been homologated on the platform, the hardware is not a limitation or a problem at the moment of planning a project. 

And by analyzing the data sent by the sensors, the platform sends an alert when adulterated fuel is being used.


Report System 

Offers flexible and custom made reports that enable your customers to know in detail any aspect of fuel traceability such as consumption, performance, legal fillings, illegal fillings, the site of the events, and more.  

It goes without saying that these reports can be generated in various file formats.  

Integration with OnDriving and CanBus systems 

Our solution also receives information generated by different sensor technologies as well as other systems such as CanBus which indicates fuel consumption in line with the data of the computer equipment.  

This makes it possible that together with OnDriving your customer can establish grading criteria for the drivers according to the impact of their driving habits on fuel consumption which in addition to theft detection or illegal fillings also influences the drivers' points thereby enabling your customer to exercise better management of the personnel and guarantee the integrity of both its motors as well as its service.  


This solution has been successfully tested in real life scenarios; we recommend that you visit the following success story to know more about how this technology has helped the customers of our Partners around the world to put an end to this problem which causes serious economic affects.