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AppTracker 4.4.4:
customizable, with new
user profiles and more.

The AppTracker is a complementary business tool for companies that provide telematics, security and GPS location services. If you already use it, we have great news to share with you: We launched a new version with improvements and more tools to generate more solutions! Available on both Android and iOS.


Introducing the new Actions buttons.

Version 4.4.4 of AppTracker introduces the new action buttons, which allow the application's functions to be customized according to the needs of each industry or each of your clients.

With this change, in addition to the buttons that already have a specific function, from the  Partners  platform you can add the buttons that your client needs to the menu, and assign the functions that they will have!


Customization tailored to your customers

Customized products impact customer satisfaction. This feature represents a paradigm change that allows you to fully customize the AppTracker, and exponentially increase business opportunities for your company.

Consider, for example, that your client needs the AppTracker for security and health inspection rounds. From the Partners you can remove the modules (and buttons) that don't correspond to the activity and add the ones that the personnel need.

The customization possibilities of the Action buttons are fantastic: from changing their icon, name, color and the description of each one, to defining validations so the app adapts to the needs of each client and device.


From the Partners you can create the custom buttons in a new module called Action Buttons, where you can also create templates with your buttons and assign those templates to the devices.


Add validations and have better control of each situation

Greater customization also gives your client the possibility to set validations for the actions that are assigned to each button. That means that the modules and buttons are only available if the conditions are met. Buttons can be customized with special features, such as:

  • Restrict days and hours to use the buttons.
  • Restrict which locations or geofences these buttons work on.


For example, if your customers need to supervise the sanitization protocol, they can assign an inspection form to a menu button, and set it to be available only at a specific time, date, and location. Your clients can choose between validations by location, circular and polygonal geofence, by route and time. The possibilities that this feature means for the control and improvement of activities during work are incredible!



Now users can sign the forms!

One of the changes that we are sure you will love is the new module to create forms simply by dragging and dropping each element. Either by placing basic elements such as a title or text box, or the new elements like uploading multimedia files and even a field to sign the forms (very useful for requests or reports). 


Also, the forms can already be used from OnTracking in a module that you can assign to your client, and then assign the forms to any AppTracker device.

And as we told you before, you can assign your forms to a custom button from the AppTracker menu through the Button templates in the Custom template option.


New Profiles: multiple users, one smartphone

One of the most important new features that we added after listening the needs of our customers, is that now you can create profiles to share a smartphone with the same AppTracker installed. 

This is fantastic and it's possible because this app version 4.4.4 works with shared IMEIs, so a guard who finished his work-day can give the same smartphone to his partner, and just changing the profile he will have the customization and modules he need, with the corresponding configurations and validations.


To access to this functionality, after registering the AppTracker through the QR code, you must create the additional profiles from the Partners platform, in the Devices module, and select Shared AppTracker. Then continue with the usual procedure to create the Asset and assign it to the customer who will use it.

It's the easiest way to different persons can use the same device, and your customers save on costs and implementation time!


Personnel management with check in and check out.

If a word defines the new version of the AppTracker, it is versatility. Now the app includes modules for attendance control that help staff management, a highly demanded feature now that remote work has become the norm.

On the app, the staff can check-in and check-out when they start or finish their work, or when they take their break hours. These functions are also compatible with the same validations that the action buttons have and with the platform alert system, and even do the check with photography, so your customers can know if a worker checked out in a place that is not registered like his workplace.


This function is perfect for drivers who start their work-day, for field staff and for remote work. This function also responds to the legislation of many countries that require the incorporation of these management systems to telework contracts, at the same time that complies with privacy regulations because it doesn't perform a total tracking of personnel, only validations by hour and place at the time of the check-in.

And like all our solutions, this feature supports custom development to fulfill the laws or needs of any specific project or country. 


Drivers can now carry OnRouting on their smartphone

AppTracker also releases the new OnRouting module! Now drivers can see the routes they have scheduled with their status by color and a bar with percentage of progress.

We also incorporate QR codes to the routes to add an additional validation by GPS when a point has been made, with the possibility of sending voice notes and photographs.

With the new OnRouting module, drivers have an app in their pocket that can also help them to request a tow truck, a mechanic or ask for help pressing the panic button in case of unforeseen events. 



Best tools for guards and watchmen

Among all this good news, we also made improvements so the security elements can do their job even better. Now when they enter to OnPatrol module, the guards can see the real progress of the round, displaying the checkpoints and which ones have already finished, with their status by colors on the lower bar that indicates the percentage of progress.

 With this update, guards can also check the security rounds they have scheduled in the period of a week. 



You also have an option to automatically see on the OnPatrol platform all the AppTracker events and alerts that ocurred during the security round; This improvement is very useful to enrich the information we have about and check the events of each control point with the forms, audios, images and any other event or alert that the guard registers.


Sending media files

There are companies that need to send audio and images as evidence, to support their daily activities or as additional information to their reports, and with the AppTracker it's possible to do so!

All these improvements make the  AppTracker a powerful and versatile tool that will now become a key part of your business model, with good performance that will give your customers an excellent user experience, because we have also made structural changes and improvements to optimize the processes that the application executes.

Share this improvements with your customers! And introduce them all the options available just by updating your app to the latest version.


And if you are not yet a customer and want to try the best tracker application in the industry, leave us your information so our consultants contact you and show you all the possibilities that the AppTracker 4.4.4 will bring to your business.