Products of RedGPS
Dashcam comparison for video telematics

Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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Sales force

Track and digitize sales force operations

Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control

Program and manage all fleet maintenance and generate budgets without the need for additional personnel

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GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide

Discover the top 20 solutions and tools for tracking, security, and end customers

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Use case: Optimizing operations in mining

Discover how a virtual copilot in MDT terminals meets safety regulations and optimizes operations

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Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth

How efficient cold chain control drastically reduces losses and damages to goods?

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Benefits of a Tracking App for your clients

One of the most critical activities in logistics management is asset control...

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Manage all aspects of your business

Partners is the platform for RedGPS clients and distributors from which they can manage all...

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StarLink One ERM Advanced Telematics

StarLink One

The StarLink One is an integrated 2G GPS tracker with 99 channels, 4 positioning systems and internal backup battery. It has an analog input (0-12v), RS232 or relay interface, remote immobilization with up to two units.

It has a built-in data logger and firmware and configuration update by air.


Manufacturer Model Type I/O Battery Communication Methods
Erm advanced telematics StarLink One GPS 2/2 Yes- Rechargeable battery GSM 2G


Dispositivo de seguimiento GPS/GPRS.


GSM: Celular GPRS cuatribanda 900/1800/850/1900 con chipset MTK.

GPS: 99 canales, GPS/GLONASS/QZSS/ Galileo. Sensibilidad -167 dB, AGPS, Adquisición (normal): frío <35 s, cálido <30 s, caliente <1 s, precisión: <2,5 m CEP.

Antenas: Antenas optimizadas integradas.

Comunicación: TCP/IP sobre GPRS, mensajes de texto.

Conectores: Conector Molex de 10 pines.

Puertos de E/S: 2 entradas digitales, 1 o 2 salidas digitales, Encendido, Analógica (0-12v). 

Puertos opcionales: Puerto RS232 o relé interno de 10A.

Fuente de alimentación: 9-32 VCC, 20-30 mA, modo de bajo consumo (GPS apagado) < 17 mA, modo de ahorro de energía (en espera) < 6mA (promedio).

Batería de respaldo: Recargable, 3,6 V, 650 mAh (Li-Poly o Li-ion).

Interfaz del vehículo: Encendido/Apagado, Encendido/Apagado del motor (por voltaje).

Configuración/Actualización de firmware: OTA / A través del puerto USB estándar de PC, configuración de parámetros, actualización de software.

Registro de datos: Hasta 5.000 mensajes.
StarLink One


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StarLink One


See the complete documentation
StarLink One

SMS Programming

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StarLink One


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